Rotary Club Mulund South Trust


Rotary Trust Mulund South Deed is executed on 01/03/1992 formed by the Chartered members of Rotary Club of Mumbai Mulund South. It was registered charitable trust NGO with Registered No: E-14078 on 25/08/1992 for medical help, food, clothing, orphanage, water digging bore wells, etc. Grant of Medical help to under privilege. Every year profit in the financial year shall go to the Corpus. Corpus cannot be broken without due permissions from Charity Commissioner / Authorities. The Medical, Educational and Community services are re-imbursed from the interest earned from Corpus funds. We have 7-9 Trustees who are Rotarians for minimum 2 years in Rotary.

The Trustees are as follows

Designation Name RCMMS Designation Tenure
President Rtn. Dr Sachu Ramlingam President Rotating Each Year
Chairman PP Rtn. Sonal Saxena Chairperson Rotating Each Year
Secretary PP Cpt Rtn. Ashok Agarwal Club Member 2023 - 2028
Jt Secretary PP Rtn. Karan Raval Club Member 2024 - 2029
Treasurer PP. Shailesh C Parekh Club Member 2020 - 2025
Trustee Rtn. Savita Mohan Club Secretary Rotating Each Year
Trustee Rtn. Sapnesh Neema President Elect Rotating Each Year

We have 80G Exemption registered under Income Tax Exemptions Section 12 (A)