Innerwheel club of Mulund is a Rotary-sponsored service club for women. Membership to Innerwheel clubs is also by referral only, often referred from any Rotarian’s family. Innerwheel club of Mulund is associated with Rotary Club of Mumbai Mulund south since its inception and its partyl sponsored by RCMMS. ICM is a community-based service oriented thus, making them true "partners in service" and key members of the Rotary family. It can be defined as the Women’s wing of RCMMS and thus Rotary International. Various projects of RCMMS are carried out with innerwheel club of Mulund
Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are usually community-based or university-based and are sponsored by a local Rotary club making them true "partners in service" and key members of the Rotary family. Rotaract is defined as the youth wing of Rotary International. Rotaract basically stands for Rotary - in - Action. Rotaract is a youth organization, which is non-political, non-religious and not-for profit. It is voluntary organization.
The Rotaract Club of Mumbai Mulund South (RCMMS) is one of the well-known and recognised clubs in the Rotary district 3140 (Mumbai). This club has been highly active in various avenues such as society welfare activities, youth development activities, personal development activities to name few. It has undertaken various projects including Aids awareness camp & Career Guidance Seminar. It has been nominated for District level awards at various occasions.
Major Projects organised by RCMMS with Rotract club of Mulund south are...
1) Ryla
2) Muna
3) Mips (Conducted for Interacts)
4) Rypen (Conducted for Interacts)
5) Vocational Awards
6) Sports Etc.
Interact Clubs are also Rotary-sponsored service club for School children 12 to 18. Interact clubs are usually school based and has a president and secretary and are sponsored by a local Rotary club making them true "partners in service" along with Rotatact and Innerwheel and key members of the Rotary family. Interact is also defined as the youth wing of Rotary International.
Major Projects organised by RCMMS with Interact clubs are
1) Mips (Conducted for Rotaract)
2) Rypen (Conducted for Rotaract)
3) Sports
4) Industrial Visits
5) Interact conventions etc.